It's not rocket surgery.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Baby Teeth

The Onion has a brief review of the new Baby Teeth album.

They're playing at Hideout this month with Danger Adventure. Last time I saw Baby Teeth they covered Run to the Hills in three part harmony.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

ex's and ohs

the new rainer maria came out this week, I ordered it but haven't recieved it yet. they are playing two shows at the beat kitchen in may, I am going to go to the friday night show.


Trial & error

I'm not entirely sure how to use every bell & whistle of this blog interface, so I expect some trial & error with different things. If anyone has any links to share, I can post them on the side.

Jeanne & I went to Double Door last night & saw some good bands. One was called Pascale, and I like the band, but the lead singer really needed an asskicking. There's a great power pop band amongst the musicians, but the singer was this whimpster who looked like he belonged in a Cameron Crowe movie. I imagine they'd be better on cd than live.


I watched the chronicles of narnia last night, I thought it started out ok but I lost interest really quickly. I also watched a movie called I Love Your Work, it was ok kind of artsy, with a big cast like giovonni ribisi, christina ricci, vince vaughn, nicky katt, josh jackson, franke potente.

Amanda and i ran a race this morning, I did well 5th overall, there were not a whole lot of people maybe 75-100, nothing like the 20,000 that were at the shamrock shuffle last week.

more later...........keith

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Seen any good movies?

So I'm hoping this can be a space for the gang to share tips about movies, music, books, theater, theatre, or anything fun around town. This is an old blog I started months ago & promptly let gather dust like that NordicTrac in the corner.

Let it rip.