It's not rocket surgery.

Friday, April 22, 2005

Minty fresh

So I'm one of those people who wear contacts. You probably recognize us from all the face squishing, blinking, and general looks of misery this time of year. I also have allergies, which makes for all around bad times. It's about time for a new pair of disposables.

Disposables in theory are great: wear 'em for a month, out they go.

But here's a secret that I don't want anyone to know, but I'm telling you, because we're friends: I'm a cheap, lazy ass. I wear them longer than I should, until my eyes are red & itchy & ready to pop themselves out of my head and run away & dunk themselves in a nice saline bath, and each time, I swear I won't do it again, but I always do, because I'm also stupid.

What I really think I need is contacts that dissolve in the eyes, and make them minty fresh, because I think my eyes kinda stink also.


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